Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Weight Loss Tips For Women In Their 20's

You are reading this article because you may be struggling with weight  loss and are looking for ways to lose weight.

The first thing you need to do is accept yourself as you are right now.

I think this is probably one of the most important things for a woman  to do before she can make some important changes to her health.

If you are going around feeling upset about your weight, it's no wonder why you won't do anything about it.

You need to look in mirror and admit to yourself that your overweight and your going to do something about it once and for all.

By making simple changes to your diet and health each day will do a lot more to build your confidence so that you can put more effort into losing weight fast.

It all starts with how you think that changes who you are. I'm a big believer of the law of attraction. If you change your thoughts from negative to positive you will feel better about yourself.

There is no need to be so hard on yourself. Be gentle and take small steps towards achieving your weight loss goals. That's the key!

When women get to their twenties they worry about themselves because they are getting a big older and your still trying to figure out who you are.

So the best thing you can do for yourself, like I said is to accept yourself as you are right now.

You need to accept how your body looks right now. If you look a other girls in magazines who have great bodies it can make you feel really self-conscious about yourself.

I'm in the best shape of my life and even to this day, If I look at fitness magazines I still compare myself to them.

As I said already, there will always be somebody else in better shape than you. So the best thing you can do for yourself is accept your body the way it is and probably don't look at those fitness magazines.

I know that be be really hard especially when you see fit people on the internet all the time. But as long as you take consistent action

to work on your body and eat healthy everyday, none of that will bother you.

What happens when you look at other fit women is that you start to compare yourself with them. You might wish that you had a boob job, a flat tummy or a bigger butt.

Do you realize how stressful that can be wanting to look like or look better than someone else?

It's just way to much to deal with mentally and emotionally. Accept your body and make an effort each day to move you towards a better and healthier you.

So here's a few weight loss tips for women in their 20's or older women for that matter:

  • Eat clean healthy whole foods
  • Drink Plenty of Water
  • Eat smaller meals throughout the day

I hope this helps with your weight loss goals and put you on the right track.

If you really want to learn more on how you can lose weight fast then I suggest you read my Venus Factor Review on the Venus Factor by John Barban.

This is one of the best weight loss and body shaping programs on the market today.

It has helped thousands of young and older women all over the world and it can help you too.

Click the link to read my Venus Factor Reviews.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Venus Factor Diet - Good and Bad Points

Good and Bad Points of the Venus Factor Diet And Weight Loss Program

The Venus Factor Diet is a fitness program that is specifically designed for women of all ages.

The main purpose of the Venus Factor is to help women burn body fat and get that trim and lean feminine look that most women want.

Here is a list of the pros and cons of the Venus Factor Diet Program

Good Points

1. A diet and exercise plan to help women get in great shape and improve the quality of their lives.

2. This 12 week program will take you step by step to transforming your body from flab to fab.

3. As you continue doing the exercises and following the nutrition plan, not only will you feel strong and fit, you will fee sexy and look better in clothes than you previous did. As the Venus Factor is designed to reshape your body so you look lean and toned from top to bottom. This is something that most women dream about.

4. The program takes a special approach because it understands the difference between the male and female metabolism when it comes to burning fat. This program was designed with women in mind.

5. It enables you to slim down in common problem zones, which are the thighs, the hips and belly. These are the main areas that women have a problem losing weight.

Other Advantages of the Venus Factor are:

  • No need to join a gym as all you need are basic weight equipment. A Set of dumbbells, a barbell, and a medicine ball.
  • No need for elliptical machines, a treadmill or any fancy equipment that will only take up space in your home.
  • You will be able to do most of the exercises from the Venus Factor, right from your home.
  • No need to spend hours in the gym, running on a treadmill. The Venus Factor workout videos are so easy to follow and should only take up 15 minutes of your time each day.
  • There is also no need to restrict your diet or eat special foods that will cause you to lose weight.
  • No dietary pills

Bad Points

The nutrition plan will give you extra freedom. Possibly too much freedom. Most women found a more structured eating plan beneficial.

1. The Venus Factor System program is all about reshaping the body and perfecting your figure. If you want a program for losing weight quickly then this is not for you.

2. You need to be consistent with the workout plan and dedicate yourself 100% to each workout.

3. The program is for women only. The program is useless for men if you want to build big muscles.

4. The Venus Factor has be designed for workouts so if you have any injuries, it is not for you.

5. The Venus Factor is not a physical product. It is only a digital product so you can only download it and use on your computer.


I'd like to say that The Venus Factor Diet and Workout System is a great fitness tool to help you get your body in the shape you want without spending hours each day.

I definitely recommend this product to any woman who wants to get in the best shape of their lives and enjoy life to the fullest.

To try the Venus Factor for yourself, please click the link below.

Venus Factor official website